Tuesday 28 February 2012

What to do with a teeny, tiny lobster!

Just before Cristmas husband saw an advert for very cheap frozen lobster  at Lidl (?!?!?!).
"That would be nice as a starter" he said,"Well if you go and buy one I'll prepare it " I replied. so dutifully he trecked off and returned with said frozen lobster that was in a frozen packet like a very large sausage, and into the freezer it returned!
We decided to eat said lobster as a starter for New Year  and have Lobster Americane ;and so I took it out to defrost which it did over the next twelve hours. On opening the packet said lobster was about the size on a langoustine!  On  shelling said small, fiddly lobster I get about half a cup of meat from the whole thing. Well bang went that idea, quick rethink!
Ok so I have some smoked salmon and a few king prawns in the freezer and by putting them in cold water can have them defrosted in an hour.
I then mixed the prawns and tiny amount of lobster meat together with lemon juice, chives, mayonaise and a little cream cheese and paprika . I then rolled some of the mixture in smoked salmon strips wrapped them tightly in foil (I know you are supposed to use cling film but I hate the idea of that plastic being next to something I am going to eat!) and put them in the fridge for an hour.
Served with a mixed green salad and balsamic dressing. Yum.
Moral of storry any bargain from Lidl is probably a false economy!

1 comment:

  1. This is funny, Anthony! I have to admit: What lobster?! Haha, just kidding, I know it's inside of the salmon. (I use a cling wrap that is bph free, by the way) This is a great idea for a refreshing salad, well done!
